Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

The ETU bets on the Cros Triathlon with the circuit TNatura

This year, ETU and TNatura signed an agreement to promote this sport with two races in Italy and Germany


La European Federation of Triathlon (ETU) expects 2014 to be a great year for the European tour of ETU TNatura Cross Triathlon series.



Sandro Salerno, CEO of Island Group, the company behind TNatura, comments: "It is a young project, but it is already a success. We have had many requests for tests to add to the series, but we have decided to select only four races for 2014 so we can guarantee a good organization and thus start in the best way".


After the success of these tests, they have decided to continue their alliance for 2014 with 4 tests in Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovenia.


  • 1 June 2014 - Sardinia (Italy) - ETU Cross Triathlon European Championship
  • 22 June 2014 - Predni Vyton (Czech Rep)
  • 13 July 2014 - Schluchsee (Germany)
  • September 21, 2014 - Pokljuka (Slovenia)


More information at http://www.tnaturaevents.com/en

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