After proclaiming Triathlon World Champion in London in tri3 category Diego Velázquez returns to Spain today without title
He took the starting line validated in the TRI3 category and once reached the finish line in the first position they did not include him in the official results.
The Spanish paratriathlete, Diego Velazquez, 2012 Long Distance Triathlon World Champion, Champion of the 2013 Triathlon World Series in Madrid as well as current Spanish Sprint Distance Triathlon Champion, after his excellent performance in Grand Final of the Triathlon World Series, where he arrived first at the finish line with a total time of 01:15 in the appointment held this weekend in London, he returns to Spain today: NO TITLE
On a flight from easyjet and less than 48 hours after having achieved this victory, the 13.30 Diego Velázquez will depart from London (Luton) to Madrid Barajas, whose estimated time of arrival are the 17.30
Diego Velázquez, diagnosed with multiple sclerosis is 16 years ago, being a triathlete of great international recognition to see he was the first person in the world recognized with this disease to perform a long distance triathlon, thus showing his desolation "After winning the World Series in May in Madrid, passing all the previous validation processes, taking the starting line last Friday in London and competing throughout the swimming and cycling segment like TRI3, minutes after reaching the finish, the International Triathlon Federation informed me that I was no longer part of this category, considering that my running did not correspond to their validation criteria and thus disqualified me from the test "
"I have sacrificed and made a great effort during these 16 years to maintain my quality of life acceptable, with volumes of training, physiotherapy ... very high, in a disease they call multiple faces. An effort that has increased this last year, even financially to cover all expenses (registration, equipment, travel, accommodation ...) that involves competing in an international event, with the illusion and unique goal of achieving this victory and thus be able dedicate myself professionally to this sport "."I have trained and competed honestly, complying with the rules of sportsmanship, and I can not understand how halfway through the final race of a grand final can cancel my validation, vary my category and disqualify me from this test, when only one year ago achieved the title of Long Distance World Champion and a few months the title in another of the World Series of the ITU itself within the same season "
“I want to thank the Spanish Triathlon Federation for having been there giving support. We tried to claim the title, but the only answer we got was that it was not within the procedure, together with the FETRI A formal proposal has been submitted to the International Federation, and we are awaiting the resolution. I will continue to fight for it.”
Diego Velázquez appears today on the official website of the international triathlon federation within the press release published by ITU itself, as the current World Champion in this category:
As well as on the Paralympic Committee's own website (
An information that is waiting to be corroborated by the ITU when the validation criteria are announced within this category of Paratriathlon TRI3