The format "The Eliminator" will debut at the Montreal World Series

The triathlon world is already waiting for the start of the 2021 World Series with the appointment in Yokohama next May 15 and with the new announcement of World Triathlon this year there will be a test with a spectacular format.
Will Eliminator Format consisting of various tests that will be played in two days about distances Super Sprint (300m swimming, 6km cycling, 1.5km pedestrian.)
What does this format consist of?
The WTS of Montreal It will be the first event to host this format, which will feature the participation of 60 triathletes.
El first day There will be 2 qualifying events and the best 10 of each event will go on to the next round.
For those who do not get it directly, there will be another opportunity with a repechage that will give 10 more places if there are 1 or 5 if there are 2.
The 30 athletes who qualify for the final round will compete for gold in three super sprint distance races on the second day.
In the second day, the last 10 athletes of each round will be left out, the rest qualifying for the final.
In the last race of the weekend ten athletes will compete for gold in an exciting, fast and spectacular final.
Marisol Casado: “Part of our mission has to do with innovating and entertaining"
"Part of our mission has to do with innovating and entertaining, which is why the World Triathlon constantly explores new models of competition.
The impressive success of the Mixed Relays accounts for their inclusion and debut in the Olympic Games of Tokyo 2020, and now, the Eliminator format will offer novelty and excitement to the Triathlon World Championship Series, a series that brings together the most prestigious events of the season, ”Said Marisol Casado, president of the World Triathlon.
After its debut in Canada, The Elilminator will return to the scene in October, at the WTS Bermuda.