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Triathlon News

Tres Cantos triathlon opens inscriptions

The test is part of the DuTriCup circuit and will be the first triathlon of the season

The next 18 of May will be played the fourth race and the first triathlon of the season of the DuTricup circuit, after the appointments held in Rivas and Alcobendas. The next competition will be the duathlon Villa de Madrid next April 7.

The XXIII  Triathlon of Tres Cantos, it will also be the Championship of Madrid, so it is expected a large influx of enrollees. On Sunday, a children's test.

You can also participate in the relay mode for teams of 2 or 3 people. In the case of 2 participants, 1 of them must do the swimming and the race on foot.

As for the test, swimming will take place in the Lake of the Central Park of Tres Cantos, an ideal environment for the practice of triathlon.

The test is developed in Sprint distance: 750 m of swimming, 20 km by bike and 5 km on foot. You can participate with both road and mountain bikes, the cycling route being on asphalt. In the Madrid Championship you can only participate with a road bike.

registration: https://dutricup.es/triatlon-tres-cantos/ 


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