Posadas becomes the epicenter of the Andalusian Triathlon
The town of Cordoba hosts this weekend the Andalusia Middle Distance Championship and the Iron Caliphs Triathlon.
A small Cordovan town, posadas, of little more than 7.000 inhabitants, turns this weekend into the epicenter of the Andalusian Triathlon, with the dispute of Andalusia Middle Distance Championship. It will be Sunday morning, with the Calima Challenge Posadas, a resistance test in which participants will have to swim 1,9 kms, pedal 90 kilometers by bike to finish running half marathon. In addition, the traditional Triathlon Iron Caliphs, that this year already fulfills its 26ª edition of uninterrupted way.
The Courtyard of the Provincial Council of Cordoba this morning was the stage on which this double meeting with the high level triathlon has been presented, which will bring together almost a thousand participants. The event was attended by Agustín Palomares (provincial deputy of Youth and Sport), José María Estepa Ponferrada (mayor of Posadas), José María Merchán (president of the Andalusian Triathlon Federation), Rafael Moreno (delegate in Córdoba of the Andalusian Triathlon Federation ) and Gregorio Martín Pazo (Cordovan triathlete).
Agustín Palomares (provincial deputy of Youth and Sports): "Posadas is an extremely important test not only locally, but nationally for its longevity. We do justice with a sport that is growing every day. "
José María Estepa Ponferrada (Mayor of Posadas): "In every town there is a hallmark. For us, one of them is triathlon. Posadas is one of the leading municipalities for this sport, and we will continue to bet on it. I want to have a special recognition for the volunteers, without whom an event of this magnitude could not develop. "
José María Merchán (president of the Andalusian Triathlon Federation): "I'm not from Posadas, but as if I were. When I entered the Federation, the triathlon in the province was a bit stagnant and we managed to get an iceberg tip with these two tests. Which are important because we pretend that popular sports and elite coexist. It is one of the most popular tests nationwide, and that is a source of pride for us for having fulfilled our objectives. Posadas is a reference and deserves it. "
Rafael Moreno (delegate in Córdoba of the Andalusian Triathlon Federation): "We are working on strengthening the triathlon in our province, so that the Cordobans can have quality tests. We have unified the two tests on the same day, so that all fans and family members can be present at both distances. "
Gregorio Martín Pazo (Cordoban triathlete): "Encourage my countrymen from Posadas to come to the triathlon on Sunday, because it is a spectacle. A test with a lot of prestige, because the people of my town turn around and encourage a lot. I'm looking forward to it and, for me, it's not just any test, so I'll give it my all. "
This great sports festival will start on Sunday at the 8h30 with the Calima Desafío Posadas, which will depart from the Breña reservoir, where the swim segment will be developed, to link with Posadas. The winner is expected to arrive on the 12h25. For its part, the Iron Caliphs Triathlon will start at 10h00 and approximately one hour later it will be the first at the finish line.
The Posadas Triathlon will be a party not only for Sports, but also for the large number of parallel activities that will take place on Saturday. Starting with the triathlete fair, in which many brands exhibit the latest news, even musical performances in the finish area. A day for the whole family to enjoy triathlon and Posadas.
The Califas de Hierro Triathlon and the Calima Desafío Posadas are organized by the Posadas City Council and OFSport, in collaboration with the Andalusian Triathlon Federation.
They sponsor Europa FM, Nutrispost and Coca Cola.
More information in www.triatloncalifasdehierro.com