Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Gómez Noya opens the season in the Alcatraz Fuga

A romantic setting, a half-ghostly presidio, the false myth of the white sharks that ply their waters and a frozen bay await the premiere of Javier Gómez Noya this season.



On Sunday it competes in the Escape from Alcatraz, a spectacular test with exit next to the old prison of the Bay of San Francisco. A different challenge to prove his form and get the escape intended by Frank Morris, the character played by Clint Eastwood in the movie of the same title.


"It is a test of great prestige in the United States and with media impact there. I wanted to try », explains Gómez Noya, already in San Francisco. The celebration of the Copa América in June encourages the test to go ahead to Sunday. An opportunity for the Ferrolan triathlete, usually with other commitments in summer, but an added complication. The conditions at this time of the year become extreme. At seven thirty in the morning, at the beginning of the challenge, seven grades are expected.


The test starts with 2.300 meters to swim to the continent, with the sea crushed and ten degrees. "Even the organizers are a little worried about the water temperature. The professionals hope we solve it, but there are another two thousand participants ... ", explains Gómez Noya. On the bike, it will cover 28 kilometers where you can not go to a wheel. Then he will face others 12 kilometers of pedestrian race, also singular, «with a long stretch on the beach and the climb of 200 steps».


"I do not think about anything other than having fun and doing a little test in different conditions. But it is a test with people of good level in long distance triathlon. Compete Pete Jacobs, current champion of Ironman from Hawaii, and Andy Potts, who won five times in Alcatraz, "explains Ferrol.


More information at http://www.escapefromalcatraztriathlon.com/

Source: .lavozdegalicia.es

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