Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Josef Ajram returns for the Red Bull 7 Islands

From October 14-20, he will attempt to complete 7 Ironman distance triathlons in 7 days.


Josef Ajram I already try it in 2012, where I face the biggest challenge of your life, complete 7 distance triathlons Ironman consecutive where he could not get it . But this year he returns with the spirits intact and will try to finish this challenge.



Last year the first stage started in El Hierro where from the first thing in the morning things started to get complicated. "In the swim section I was stung by a jellyfish. It was not serious but it made me uncomfortable. Starting the bike section we had problems with the saddle. I had to stop and there were moments when I saw myself outside", Says Josef


Once I passed the first test in which I take more than twelve hours, the moment that marked him in the race was in the stage of  La Gomera that in those days I suffered a wave of heatr.


The haze and the more than 38 degrees who suffered the Catalan on the bike section prevented him from continuing. "I suffered a heat stroke. That moment was very hard. After so many months of training, it's hard to accept that you stay out the second day. " Josef He ended up in the hospital of La Gomera where he was examined by the doctors.


Josef and his team will once again face this challenge of October 14th to 20th  After finishing the seven days of challenge, Josef will have completed a total of 26,6 km swimming, 1260 km cycling and 294 km running, distances that few people could support and with the added incentive of the orography of the island and the little rest time between tests, "I go with a lot of respect but with great enthusiasm. I have worked very hard this year. I have changed many things in my day to day, in terms of training and feeding, and I feel much stronger. "


Learn more http://www.redbull.com

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