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Free access for bikes on Cercanías trains from the 1 in June

Since June 1, 2011, bicycle users can access the trains with their bikes at any time of the day and every day of the week. Renfe has adopted this measure to contribute to more sustainable mobility.
Cercanías de Madrid makes it easier for its travelers to transport bicycles on its trains. Madrid Cercanías users can travel with their bike on trains throughout the city, any day of the week and at any time, within the service's opening hours. Renfe reminds its Madrid Cercanías customers that many of its trains are adapted to make traveling by bicycle more comfortable for all train users. Specifically, Civia trains are equipped with a car with a lower floor, at platform level, which allows greater mobility when accessing it with a bicycle.

Many travelers travel every day to their place of work or leisure with their bike aboard the Madrid Cercanías trains. Most people avoid using it at peak times, so as not to disturb other passengers and make their own transportation more comfortable. In addition, many of the stations of the Madrid Commuter Network, such as Villaverde, Aranjuez, Fuenlabrada, Las Margaritas, Colmenar, Villalba, Alcalá Universidad, Vallecas or El Pozo, have specially designed trains with anchors to transport bicycles. , are equipped with a parking area for bicycles.
Renfe promotes bicycle routes through Madrid for all audiences, and with direct access from its Cercanías stations, with routes through Majadahonda, Monte de El Pardo, San Martín de la Vega, Colmenar Viejo, Aranjuez, Alcalá de Henares, Casa de Campo, El Escorial, Cercedilla, Tres Cantos or Villlalba. Cercanías also brings its travelers closer to the comprehensive bicycle and sustainable mobility center of the Autonomous University of Madrid, CibiUAM, at the Cantoblanco station (line C4), which allows students the combined use of the train and the bike as a model. sustainable mobility. This center facilitates the internal and external loan of bicycles. The Madrid Cercanías trains also connect with Madrid's green cycling ring, thanks to the stations of El Pozo, Orcasitas, Aluche, Pitis, Fuencarral and Las Tablas.

The Madrid Cercanías trains replace the circulation of 750.000 cars every day. This replacement entails savings in costs related to pollution, global warming, noise or accidents of more than 400 million euros.

To see the regulations of your Cerca Nucleus you can check this link: http://www.renfe.com/viajeros/info/bicicletas.html
Source: www.ultimosprint.com

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