Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Lisbon Triathlon closes registrations at the end of the month

The next May 4 will be held in the capital Lusa on Lisbon Triathlon in mode Middle distance ( 1,9 km of swimming, 90 km and 21 km of running) and as a novelty, this year will also feature the test called “Battle of the sexes”Over a distance of 950 m of swimming, followed by 45 km of cycling and finishing the test with a 10.5 km running race.



On a totally flat circuit, this triathlon it is an ideal place to debut at these distances, you are still in time to participate as the registrations are closed at the end of the month.


Also this year the organization invites all participants, on the Friday before the race, to take a bike ride through the main streets of Lisbon to promote the use of the bike as a means of urban transport in that city as well as having other activities of added value that you can find on its website.


You still have time: https://www.triatlonnoticias.com/component/banners/click/67

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