Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Mario Mola, Anna Godoy and Carolina Routier will be in the Super League London

This weekend a new stop on the circuit will be held in the city of London Super League Triathlon where we will have 3 Spanish competing.

They will be the Olympians in Tokyo Mario Mola y Anna Godoy Accompanied by Carolina Routier

The organization announced yesterday the start list of the test where there are triathletes of the stature of Vicent Luis, Alex Yee, Jonathan Brownlee, Katie Zaferes, Cassandre Beaugrand  o  Taylor Spivey among other

This is the list of participants

Schedules and where to watch it live

The test will be held this Sunday, September 5 and can be followed live through the web https://superleaguetriathlon.com/watch-live/ 

These are the competition schedules (1 hour more in Spain)

  • Female test; 12:30
  • Men's test: 14:00


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