Volcano Triathlon

More from 2.000 participants in the XV Triathlon of Seville

More than 2.000 athletes will gather this Saturday at the XV Seville Triathlon, which represents a participation record that makes it the second largest in Spain.

The evidence was presented this Tuesday, in an event that was attended by the Delegate Councilor for Youth and Sports of the City Council, José Manuel García, the Provincial Delegate of the Department of Commerce, Tourism and Sports of the Government of Andalusia, Francisco Obregón, and the president of the Andalusian Triathlon Federation, Francisco Merchán.

Both the departure and arrival will be at the High Performance Center (CEAR) of La Cartuja. Participants will tour La Cartuja Island, Alamillo Park and Torneo Street.

This great increase in participants, with a total of 2.100 registered, already places the Seville Triathlon in second place in the Spanish ranking, after Barcelona.

In this sense, the aforementioned Francisco Merchán has pointed out that this test "aims to combine sport, leisure and tourism, being a source of income for the city."

He also highlighted that 50 percent of the participants are from outside Seville. The event will be held over three distances: Olympic (1.500 meters of swimming, 40 kilometers of cycling and 10 kilometers of running), Sprint (750 meters, 20 kilometers and 5 kilometers), and Super Sprint (350 meters, 10 kilometers and 2,5 kilometers), so that both the most experienced triathletes and amateurs can enjoy a unique day in the city. calendar national.

At the same time, you can participate in the modalities of relay teams and company teams, and the Equality Triathlon (competing in pairs).

It should be noted that, within the objective of the search for equality and the spirit of improvement with which this triathlon is proposed, on this occasion, and for the first time, a blind person will participate in the event. One person will do the swimming for him, while the cycling sector will do it in a tandem and the running will be done with a guide.


Source: EuropaPress

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