Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Javier Gómez Noya will not participate in the Duathlon World Championship of Pontevedra.

The coincidence with the celebration of the fourth round of the World Series, in London, has led Noya to make that decision.


As reported by the newspaper 20 minutes, Galician Javier Gómez Noya, current champion of the world of triathlon, has decided to resign to participate in the next Duathlon World Championship, which will be held next 31 May in Pontevedra.


"I feel bad about not being able to be there but I have to prioritize the Triathlon World, which is my big goal, "says Javi. That same weekend the fourth round of the Triathlon World Series will be held in London where Noya has won the three tests held so far: Auckland (New Zealand), Cape (South Africa) and Yokohama (Japan).


Javier has given "priority" to the London appointment. "The only reason why I was excited to compete in the Duathlon World Championship was because I was going to be Pontevedra, because I am not lost at all in the duathlon.

Photo: Specialized

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