Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

The Country of the Pyrenees vibrates with the third edition of the Andorra Triatlo

This Sunday, 27 of July, the Country of the Pyrenees has hosted the third edition of Andorra Triatló with the participation of 900 athletes in Sprint and Olympic distance.



Brice Daubord (1: 46: 11) and Anabel Grace (2: 13: 47) claim the victory of the fourth round of the Skoda Triathlon Series. The next destination of this popular triathlon circuit will be the 9 and 10 of August in Tarragona.


The test has started at the lake d'Engolasters (Escaldes-Engordany), swimming stage that, in Olympic distance, has been reduced to a single lap (750 meters) due to the water temperature, 14,5º. With a sunny morning, the rest of the race has developed normally, with a demanding cyclist route that has run through the mythical height of the Comella (Andorra La Vella) and is one of the great attractions of this triathlon.


The race on foot, through the river walk of Andorra La Vella, has been decisive for the outcome of the competition in Olympic distance, in which Brice Daubord has been imposed in French with a time of 1: 46: 11. Behind, Xavi Llobet (1: 50: 37) and Martí Lázaro (1: 55: 37).


In the women's category, the first triathlete to cross the finish line of the Central Park was Anabel Gracia at a time of 2: 13: 47. The podium was completed by Mathilde Batailler (2: 16: 17) and Alba Pardo (2: 18: 31).


In the Sprint, the fastest were the French Aurelien Lescure (56: 08), followed by Carl Dupont (57: 33) and Diego Robles del Moral (58: 43). In the women's category, Ludivine Lequin was on the podium (1: 13: 15). Second, Laia Martín (1: 15: 13) and third Marylene Lequin (1: 18: 23).


Acrobats and triathletes

It was at this distance that the anecdote of the day was produced. The relay team that has achieved the shortest time was formed by Michael, Marco and Genevieve (1: 12: 18), all of them acrobats of the show Scalada Mater Natura of Cirque Du Soleil, who these days are performing in Andorra La Vella.


Next stop: Tarragona

After passing through Madrid, Castellón, Barcelona and Andorra, the Skoda Triathlon Series circuit is already traveling to its next destination. It will be the 9 and 10 of August in Tarragona.

Enjoy triathlon Choose your goal!


Further information: www.skodatriathlonseries.org

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