Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Triathlon of Aritzaleku Sprint and MD in the heart of Navarre

The next 07 of June the Navarrese locality of Aritzaleku will host a year more the Sprint Distance Triathlon  with 750 m of swimming - 20,5 km of cycling to finish with 5 km of running and the triathlon of Middle distance that will have 1.900 km, 82 km of cycling and 21 km of running on foot in a weekend full of activities.



From Friday to the 18.00 will be open expo area and collection of numbers, being Saturday at the 09: 00 the exit for the distance Sprint and the 14.00 for the Half Distance leaving the day of Sunday for the Triathlon of Minors and Games sports


This event will also have a spectacular circuit in the vicinity of the Alloz reservoir surrounded by nature.


More information: http://www.triatlonaritzaleku.com/

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