2013 has been a great year for the Spanish Triathlon, for Triathlon News and all its followers.
Two years ago we bet on this adventure, which has become something much bigger than we expected and all this thanks to all of you who follow every day all the news on the web and publications on social networks, giving him soul and life .
Real-time news, material information, physiotherapy clinic, nutrition articles, "LIVE" tracking through Twitter of the most relevant triathlon tests, discounts on numbers and some other touch of humor on social networks , they differentiate us but without a doubt the passion that we put every day to listen to your demands and keep working to offer the best is what keeps us fighting to improve day by day.
Thanks for your support!
And also without a doubt, your support has served to make triathlon, this sport that we like so much, is a little bigger every day.
To continue enjoying Thanks to all, you are very big!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
The Triathlon Team News