Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Spectacular 1º edition of the Bull Triathlon Crazy Ball of the World

Spectacular weekend lived in the first edition of Triathlon Bull Crazy Ball of the World.


Although the test had to be delayed from the month of May being the date in which it was originally planned and due to low water temperatures, this was no impediment to the celebration of this spectacular and long-awaited Triathlon.



Triathlon Bull Crazy World Ball This 2013 was presented as the first test to climb the recognized "World Ball"Final of the 2012 cycling tour to Spain and that, despite its hardness, counted on the participation of 200 intrepid triathletes.


With its own personality, the event began on Sunday at the 8 in the morning in an unbeatable setting: theMob from Navacerrada. With two distances to choose from: Olympic (1.500 m - 37 km - 10, km) and Short (750m-28 km-6 km) the participating triathletes as well as spectators were able to enjoy a great morning of sports and "adventure".


After the swim segment, the triathletes picked up their bikes to start the cycling segment through the Sierra Madrileña de Navacerrada, ending this intrepid challenge with a real Mountain "trail" where they went up to Cerro Valdemarín as well as the Lesser Iron Head, that put to the test many of the triathletes who, far from surrendering in battle, demonstrated their great capacity for improvement by reaching all the goal and offering all the spectators a spectacular smile of satisfaction having successfully completed this great challenge.


As far as results are concerned Alberto Casillas (02: 55: 11) and Pilar Arias (04: 04: 22) were the first to reach the goal in the Olympic distance, being Gonzalo Zapatero (02: 07: 07) and Marta Villanueva (03: 26: 59) the winners for the "short" distance.


Triathlon Bull Crazy Ball of the World He's born!


With its own personality, this test has been presented as an authentic "revelation" for this 2013, a date that promises to give much to talk about for the coming seasons.


More information and results in: http://www.triatlonboladelmundo.com/index.html

Photos:David Dacadu

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