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Tres Cantos triathlon, next test of the Popular DutriCup

The triathlon of Tres Cantos, after starting a new stage in 2017, returns to be among the triathlons most appreciated by the participants.

 The fourth appointment of the circuit Popular Du & Tri Cup will be in the city of Tres Cantos, with one of the classics of Madrid that reaches its XXII edition, the Triathlon of Tres Cantos. The June 2 will take place in the Central Park, with a swim in the lake next to the fairgrounds. It will also be a sprint distance Madrid championship.

The test is developed in Sprint distance: 750 m swimming, 20 km cycling and 5 km walking. You can participate with both bike both road and mountain, with the cycling route being on asphalt. Only road bikes may participate in the Madrid Championship.

Registration is open until next Wednesday, May 30. Participation is open to all types of athletes, federated or not, from the CADET category.

After this competition, only the Triathlon Villa de Madrid and the Triathlon of Riaza will be subtracted to finish the circuit and meet the winners of the DuTriCup 2018 Ranking.

More information: http://populardutricup.com/triatlon-tres-cantos/informacion/

Photo: Chronicle North


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