Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Trimadrid draws two numbers for the TriGrandPrix de Navarra

Trimadrid raffles two numbers for the TriGrandPrix Navarra to be held on July 2 and 3 at Camping Aritzaleku, located in the Alloz Reservoir, Lerate Navarra.

All the information about the test can be found at this link:


Once you have decided in which modality you want to participate you have to do the following:

  1. If your distance is the Sprint: go to this page, click on "Like" and comment why you want to participate in this triathlon
  2. On the other hand, if you are from long distances, you have to go to this other page, click on "Like" and comment: Why do you want to participate in this triathlon?
  3. This draw DO NOT belongs to Facebook, belongs solely and exclusively to www.trimadrid.com and to the company that awards the award. At no time will Facebook have any responsibility for said giveaway.
  4. It begins on June 6 and will end on 22 from June to 00: 00. On June 23, the winner of the award will be published.
  5. Each contestant who correctly meets the previously mentioned requirements will be assigned a number that will be published on the web, and later a random number will be chosen through the www.random.org page.

* (If you are not federated, you must pay the sports insurance of the event)

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