Triathlon News
Last day of reduced price for ICAN Gandia

Today, January 12, is the last day to take advantage of the reduced price on the queen test of the calendar of ICAN Triathlon the ICAN Gandia.
The test will be held on October 15 and has 2 distances to choose from, Full and Half.
- IX FULL ICAN TRIATHLON GANDIA-VALENCIA: 3,8 km swimming + 173 km cycling + 42 km running.
- VIII HALF ICAN TRIATHLON GANDIA-VALENCIA: 1,9 km swimming + 87 km cycling + 21 km running.
If you sign up today you can buy a bib at the prices of € 259 for the long distance and € 139 for the average test.
Alicante new headquarters for 2022
ICAN will have a venue in 2022, it will be in the city of Alicante where it will only be possible to compete in Half distance and in Aquabike.
ICAN Alicante will be held on April 3.
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