• Volcano Triathlon

An all-out triathlon, 15 miles by swim, 115 by bike and 13 by foot.


El triatleta Borja Ortiz, socorrista en la playa de Somo, logró superar con éxito el peculiar triatlón que realizó en solitario. El cántabro tardó 16 horas y 30 minutos en recorrer 15 kilómetros a nado, 115 en bike y 13 andando. El recorrido escogido por Ortiz iba desde Santander hasta la cima del Torrecerredo, pico más alto de la Cordillera Cantábrica, en el límite entre Asturias y Castilla y León y que se encuentra a 2.400 metros de altura.

The swimming test began at 5.30:45 a.m., when Ortiz began swimming from Virgen del Mar beach to Puertochico. The triathlete managed to complete this distance in five hours and XNUMX minutes, "a better time than expected." A Red Cross boat was waiting for Ortiz, in case he had any mishap during the journey.
After finishing the swim, the Cantabrian triathlete rested for fifteen minutes before beginning his second challenge of the day. Ortiz took the bicycle and headed to Puenteponcebos (Asturias). He completed the journey in four and a half hours, the time he expected since "it was a distance that I usually travel."
Finally, Ortiz went up to Torrecerredo accompanied by a friend. The athlete highlighted that it was not a journey "not at all comfortable because of the heat and the mosquitoes that were there, which bothered us the entire way." On the journey on foot, Ortiz spent five and a half hours.
A day later, Borja Ortiz's father waited for him to come down from the mountain to take him back home.
Ortiz was very satisfied with the success of the test and stated that “everything went perfectly and in the expected time. "I am very happy to have achieved it." The excessive heat that he experienced throughout the day was “my great enemy,” according to the athlete himself. "The third and final test was the hardest, and the others were easier than expected."


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