30.000 runners will be in the Athens marathon

There will be different starts limited in number of runners

The Hellenic Athletics Federation has approved a new protocol for popular races, where various measures have been taken in addition to announce that if current circumstances are maintained el Athens Marathon will be held on November 7 and 8, 2020.

There will be runs at the starts at all distances

In the marathon to be held on November 8, it has been defined that there will be two different exits, the marathon race and the marathon with 5.000 participants each and with one hour difference between each departure.

On Saturday 7 a 10 km test, y another 5km, also with two outputs (A and B), with 5.000 participants in each and one hour apart

The enrollment process begins today

The registration period for the Athens Marathon 2020 begins on Friday July 03, 2020.

Further information: https://www.athensauthenticmarathon.gr/

There are no previous results.

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