Support campaign to make #RelevosMixtos #trimixedrelay an Olympic sport in #Tokyo2020
The international triathlon federation (ITU) has launched a support campaign for mixed relays to be included in the Olympic program at the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020.
The one in charge of launching this message was the current Olympic champion Gwen Jorgensen and many more triathletes have launched to support this cause.
The official hastags are #RelevosMixtos #trimixedrelay #Tokyo2020
This is the message of Gwen Jorgensen:
I support getting #TriMixedRelays into the @Olympics
RT & tag others to show YOUR support of seeing this @worldtriathlon event in #Tokyo2020 gwen jorgensen (@gwenjorgensen) May 1th 2017
The International Triathlon Federation has started this Twett in Spanish to get support among Spanish triathletes
Hey, @TRIATLONSP You would not like to see the #RelevosMixtos en #Tokyo2020? You join the campaign #TriMixedRelays?
- World Triathlon (@worldtriathlon) May 2th 2017
They have also joined this support Fernando Alarza y David Castro (Current world champion of the juniot / sub23 specialty together with Antonio Serrat, Cecilia Santamartía and Inés Santiago) with RT to the Tweet of the International Federation, while Richard Murray has posted the following tweet.
Who'd like to see more Mixed Team relays in triathlon? I sure do!
I support getting #TriMixedRelays let's get it to -> #tokyo2020 Richard Murray (@RD_murray) May 2th 2017
Also, many of the best triathletes of the moment have supported the cause, in addition to Gwen Jorgensen, her compatriots Katie Zaferes and Summer Cook, the current world champion Flora Duffy, or the British Non Stanford, Jodie Stimpson and Helen Jenkins. These are some examples
Even though I would not be able to race, I'd still love to see the #TriMixedRelays at the next @Olympics! #Tokyo2020
- Flora Duffy (@floraduffy) May 1th 2017
Can still remember the first time I ever watched #TriMixedRelays in Hamburg & was so inspired and amazed I got tears in my eyes. Epic pride!
- Katie Zaferes (@KZaferes6) May 1th 2017
The #TriMixedRelays is my favorite event on the calendar! Let's get it into the @Tokyo2020 @Olympics RETWEET
- Non Stanford (@NonStanford) May 2th 2017
And finally, how could it be otherwise, one of the people who is fighting for the cause, the president of the ITU Marisol Casado.
We all love the #TriMixedRelays and want to see them in #Tokyo2020 Help us spread the word, tag your teammates!
- Marisol Casado (@MarisolCasado) May 2th 2017
And you? Do you support this campaign? Do RT
Support campaign so that #RelevosMixtos #trimixedrelay be Olympic sport in #Tokyo2020
- Triathlon News (@triatlonnoticia) May 3, 2017