Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Mercè Tusell and Joan Ruvireta Spanish Champions of Triathlon Cros 2014

Both triathletes dominated the competition from the cycling segment and retained their advantages to finally climb to the top of the podium.




Victories for Mercè Tusell y Joan Ruvireta in the Spanish Championship of Cros Elite Triathlon, held throughout this Sunday 4 May in Calella.


Despite the early morning clouds, the sun reigned and was a great ally of the triathletes during the course of the day. The participants faced 1000 m swimming with exit at the beach of Calella. The second segment was formed by more than 20 km cyclists to conclude with 6 km of foot race by the vicinity of the beach promenade of the Barcelonan town.


In the men's category, Bruno Raso was the fastest in the water, followed closely by Joan Ruvireta. Both were headed for the first transition in the lead, with Albert Reig in third position, a little behind the front duo.


From the first moments of the cycling sector, Ruvireta was placed at the head in this a hard and spectacular segment, which consisted of a total of 20,4 km of route. Ruvireta would retain the advantage of his entry into the second transition, and after a quick step to change equipment, he left to face the remaining two laps of the race on foot towards the finish line. Then, Albert Soley (T-Bikes Club Triatlo) acceded to the transition zone and after him, the young Rodrigo García.


The athlete of the CN VIC-ETB, would be unstoppable throughout the 6 final km of the race and achieved the victory with a comfortable advantage. For his part, Soley would reach the runner-up after crossing the finish line to about 4 minutes from the winner. While Rodrigo Garcia (CT Trischool Cuenca) managed to retain its lead over Cáceres, and signed the third position of the elite podium.


García completed his splendid performance by winning the Sub23 title. The second place was for a prominent Bruno Raso (TriMarbella Bike-Aquarena) and the third place was a Xavier Jovè (CERRR Igualada) that completed a magnificent weekend of competitions.


The podium of clubs was formed by the CN VIC-ETB in first position, the AD Sevilla Bikila second. While the NFoque Race Team was awarded the third place.


In females, Nuria Peix set the pace at the start of the competition, leaving the swim section in the lead with a remarkable income. After her, Meritxell Figueras was the next to leave the water, more than a minute away.


Mercè Tusell was proclaimed winner in good measure thanks to its impressive cycling segment, which was the real protagonist. Tusell was climbing positions during the first round of the sector, to be in the lead in the early stages of the second. From then on, the triathlete of the CN Reus Ploms would retain her advantage during the last leg of the race on foot and enter the finish line with a final time of 2: 05: 14.


His teammate, Ester Hernández, was the next to reach the finish line, hanging the silver medal after completing a test in which he maintained a very good pace in all segments. For her part, Yolanda Magallón (Trasnportes Sola Tarazona) signed the bronze medal of the elite women's championship.


On the other hand, Meritxell Figueras won the victory in the Sub23 category. The triathlete of the CN Reus Ploms shared the podium with Nuria Peix (CN VIC-ETB) and Natalia Fischer of the Triatomix Bikila Mbikes (champion sub23 of duathlon cros in the test held in the previous day).


The CN Reus Ploms was awarded the title of clubs. While the AD Ecosport Triathlon Alcobendas achieved the second position and the Marlins Triathlon Madrid was classified in third place.




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