The "Triarmada" in search of gold in the European Championship of triathlon sub23

David Castro, reigning champion will try to revalidate his European title


The Bulgarian city of Burgas hosts a new edition of the European championship sub23 where the boys and girls of the Spanish team seek to repeat the good results obtained last year in Banyoles.  

In the male category David Castro part with number one, is the current European Champion and runner-up in the world of the category. Another Spaniard with podium options is Antonio Serrat who has a spectacular 2016 season, growing in each competition. Complete the Spanish quartet Genis Grau y Aleix Domenech

Male start list

While in the female category, the Spanish representation will consist of Camila Alonso, Marta Sánchez, Anna Flaquer y Laura Gomez.

Female start list

The women's event will be the first to be contested, taking the exit to the 10: 30, while the men's test will start the 16: 00 Spanish time. Finally, mention that the competition has undergone variations in its route. At first it was disputed under Olympic distance, but today in the technical meeting the organization has informed that it will be in sprint distance.



There are no previous results.

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