Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Changes in the tour of the Half Triathlon cycle circuit in Seville

The route has been changed and it has gained spectacularity, vision for the spectator and safety.


The Half Triathlon organization of Seville has sent us the following statement:



Due to the publication in the BOE February 3, 2014 by which the special traffic regulation measures are established during 2014, we were forced to partially vary the previously proposed cycling route without many significant changes and maintaining the philosophy of varied route with hard points of ascent. We would like to thank the passing towns for the opportunity they offer us with all their police operations, civil protection and volunteering. In this case, they will be the municipalities of Seville, Salteras, Olivares, Gerena, Guillena (with the passes through its two districts of Las Pajanosas and Torre de la Reina), Alcalá del Río and La Algaba.


With all the documentation approved, the past 18 of February we met with the Captain of the Traffic Sub-sector of Seville giving us the final OK to this circuit and to be able to start with the coordination operation that a circuit of 90km of cycling entails. A wide range of Civil Guard, Local Police 7 municipalities, Civil Protection of these towns and neighboring municipalities, volunteering and 6 cyclists clubs are waiting to support you in the passage through its streets and give everything of themselves so that you feel like in your house to give you a controlled 100% circuit. Just as the "loop" route aims to give the viewer a middle point where to see perfectly two important steps of the course of this segment. We have achieved with small modifications to gain in spectacularity, vision for the viewer and security.


And at the request of so many, we have kept the slope at 21% of the Salteras Chorrito.


Waiting for the circuit to be your total and absolute pleasure.


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