Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

World Cup Powerman Duathlon and the European Cup of Constanta Mamaia international dates for the Spanish

This weekend we will see our athletes in action in international competitions.



Throughout the next September 7, Spain will have representation both in the Duathlon Powerman World Championship in Zofingen, as in the Constanta Mamaia Triathlon European Cup


On the one hand, on Sunday 7 of September, Anna Rovira along with a large representation of Spaniards in Age Groups, will take the start in the Zofingen Long Distance Duathlon World Championship. In Age Groups we will have Tomás Hernán Pérez de la Ossa in category 30-34, Gema Raga Ruiz in GG.EE. 35-39 and David Sánchez Ruiz in GG.EE. 40-44.


For the eighth consecutive year, the appointment will take place in the Swiss town of Zofingen in collaboration with the International Powerman Association. The duatletes will face the challenge of some very technical courses, formed by a first segment of the 10 km foot race, continuing with 150 km cyclists with gradients of 16% and facing the end to other 30 km of foot race.


Likewise, Ricardo Hernández go to the coasts of the Romanian Black Sea to dispute the European Cup of Constanta Mamaia. A competition that will take place over Olympic distance.


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