Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Tips for the night before the competition

The team of nutritionists of our collaborator in Multipower sports nutrition, has sent us this article where they indicate the guidelines to follow with the diet on the night before the competition



We must never forget that, before the day of the competition we have to replenish muscle glycogen stores, and on the same day, hepatic glycogen deposits (because the liver, is responsible for regulating blood glucose). In addition to go in optimal conditions of hydration.

A quick recommendation is to eat those foods that we know are good for us, and do not cause us adverse problems. A series of food proposals has been designed in the following table, in order to give 100%.




Before a long-term test, we should increase muscle glycogen stores the night before, taking a diet rich in carbohydrates in the previous two days, based on foods such as fruit, starches, cereals and beverages rich in sugars ( Isodrink type, multicarbodrink, fruit juices, etc.)


For the muscular glycogen recharge, however, it is necessary to bring an optimal hydration, therefore we should not forget the water, and to face the training and hot days, use isodrink.





(Dietary proposal)

The night before



Replenish and overload the muscle glycogen to the maximum.


  • Make optimal hydration.
  • Take very rich foods in HC and reduce protein and fat intake.
  • Take at the end of the day about 11g of HC / kg of body weight.

1º- Pasta / rice dish / paella


2º-Pure of potato with a little meat / fish


3º-Very sugary pole: rice with milk / fruit salad / fruit with syrup / yogurt

Breakfast will be 3 hours before



  • Replace the liver glycogen,
  • Control possible diarrhea (excess of stimulants, drinks, or food-supplements unknown to the triathlete).
  • Protocol the hydration with slightly hypotonic drinks. 0,5-0,7l / hour (type redkick).
  • Do not eat foods with fiber.
  • Take fast assimilation foods (dextrinated cereals type ...)
  • Take astringent foods (quince, apple compote ...)

1º-Chinese pasta dish / rice / baby food


2º-Oatmeal omelette with half a can of tuna / turkey breast cooked...


3º- Sweet quince / fruit compote



We have the option of adding a rich source of protein with Formula80, SoyaProtein or Whey & more.


It is a good option, when we do not want to provide protein foods, add an extra protein and minimize the intake of fats (foods of animal origin (meats, fish, eggs, dairy), as well as proteins, contain fat in its composition These products will help to facilitate digestion, due to its composition, way of preparation and its minimum contribution of fat.


José Miguel Martínez Sanz and Aritz Urdampilleta Otegui

Scientific-Technical Advice for Sports Planning, NUTRIAKTIVE.

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]





  1. Jeukendrup AE, Jentjens RLPG, Moseley L. Nutritional considerations in triathlon. Sports Med 2005; 35: 163-81.
  2. Jeukendrup AE. Nutrition for endurance sports: marathon, triathlon, and road cycling.J Sports Sci. 2011; 29Suppl 1: S91-9.
  3. Burke L. Nutrition in sports: a practical approach. Madrid: MedicaPanamericana; 2009

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