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What sport can be done in Phase 1 of the unconfinement?

Most of the national territory will go to Phase 1 of the confinement on Monday, May 11

If all goes well, most of the national territory will go to Phase 1 of confinement next monday may 11

This phase in addition to the walks, physical exercise and outings of children and adults, which were allowed in phase 0 hopen news regarding sports and everyday life

Regarding the general population, we highlight:

  • Will be allowed meetings of up to 10 people at home or on the terraces
  • La terrace opening at 50%,
  • El carpooling by the inhabitants of the same domicile
  • La store opening less than 400 square meters with a maximum capacity of 30%.
  • Outdoor markets at 25% of its capacity
  • The  displacements are restricted to the same province where the usual address is located.

The time bands are maintained

Yes, the time bands established for the population will be maintained throughout the alarm phase.

The royal decree published in the BOE, published that the schedules for going out to play sports or for a walk or for those over 70 years will remain as long as the state of alarm lasts

As of May 11, one of the measures that have been approved is to delegate to each Autonomous Community the possibility to adapt the schedules for sports and walks to avoid coinciding with the times when the highest temperatures are recorded.

Walking and sports activities they are regulated in OM 380 and it remains in force.

You cannot go for a walk or sport in another town.

 The PHASES are maintained in PHASE 1 time bands established in PHASE 0 - 6:00 to 10:00 and from 20:00 to 23:00, with the possibility for the federated to be able to double their training in the aforementioned time slots. Without time slots in municipalities with less than 5.000 inhabitants.

The municipality of residence as the only area for sports practice.

All sports activity must be individual. 

Sports centers are opened

The outdoor sports facilities without public (only for sports in which there is no contact: athletics, tennis).

In addition, individual sports activities by appointment in sports centers that do not involve physical contact or the use of changing rooms.

Data to take into account for professionals and federated

Athletes, even if they already have more mobility, will have to continue complying with current regulations regarding time slots and must carry federal accreditation if necessary.

Athlete type

Times you can train

Time zones





No hours

Town \ Province


High level


No hours

Town \ Province

High level certificate

National Interest


No hours

Town \ Province

High level certificate


2 times a day

Established stripes

Municipality (Select)


Not Federated

Once a day

Established stripes

Municipality (Select)


Special measures for sports professionals

For professional sports, the following actions will be implemented in Phase 1

  • Opening of high performance centers with reinforced hygiene and protection measures and, if possible, shifts.
  • Average training in professional leagues.
  • At the beginning of phase 1, the medical services must make an examination to the athlete, which will include a test for the presence of viral genetic material.
  • Those who are positive, even asymptomatic, will not be able to start sports.
  • Athletes who have obtained a favorable result in the medical test will train alone, regardless of whether their disciplines are individual or collective. They will keep the home confinement, sports residence or temporary accommodation.
  • Priority will be given to use of outdoor spaces.
  • Brianda professional competitions, the training will take place in the facilities of the clubs, provided they comply with the sanitary measures.
  • The sports centers must be disinfected thoroughly before its reopening.
  • At least twice a day, a cleaning of manual contact surfaces, like doorknobs, knobs, railings, benches, chairs or bathrooms.
  • El athlete will wear gloves and be careful not to touch objects or equipment of collective use.
  • In the case of the foot race, you must keep a minimum distance of 2 meters with other brokers.


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