The Bilbao Triathlon has analyzes that guarantee the water quality of the estuary

The water samples belong to the area of ​​the Maritime Museum and the dock of the Euskalduna Palace where the 5 triathlon will begin in October

As promised by the organizers of the Bilbao Triathlon in the presentation of the test together with representatives of the Bilbao City Council, the Diputación de Bizkaia and the Basque Triathlon Federation, in recent months they have published the analyzes that show that the water quality of the Bilbao estuary meets the appropriate parameters to perform a swimming test.

On the website of the Bilbao Triathlon you can find the quarterly analyzes that they have been carried out to guarantee the good conditions of the estuary and to demonstrate that, being a living element that suffers variations, it fulfills the required and indispensable requisites to carry out a sporting event.

In fact the results obtained are very positive in terms of the parameters studied: Escherichia Coli and Intestinal Enterococci. In addition, samples of a the water samples were taken where the triathlon will begin the next 5 in October, in the area of ​​the esplanade of the Maritime Museum and on the dock of the Euskalduna Palace.

The follow-up plan for this year's edition has been active since last December and every 3 months the water quality has been analyzed of the estuary of Bilbao. And it will continue as they will continue to take place until the triathlon begins to guarantee that the swimming segment can be developed respecting the ROYAL DECREE 1341 / 2007, of 11 of October, on the management of the quality of bathing waters. The regulation of both the Spanish Triathlon Federation and the Basque Federation is based on this legal norm.

In this way, the transparency of the Bilbao Triathlon at this point, fulfilling the established parameters and values. Therefore, the quarterly analyzes show that the water of the estuary is in optimal conditions for the celebration of the triathlon. With this commitment the organizers want transmit on the one hand tranquility to the athletes and on the other, confidence that the October 5 will be met with renewed proof, safe and with the highest quality as in the seven previous editions.

And is that the next October 5 a new edition of the Bilbao Triathlon with many new features Among them, the change of course both in the cycling sector (which changes direction) as in the swimming (more easily for the public to enjoy the test from both banks of the estuary and from the Euskalduna and Deusto bridges) as the date change for its celebration, happening to be held in the fall and being a reference in terms of being one of the last appointments to dispute a triathlon in the north zone.

All the information about the quarterly water analysis, the new routes and more details can be found on its website where the inscriptions are still open, which will not increase in price until the next September 3.

There are no previous results.

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