The best duathlon in Spain
The Sevillian event, with an unbeatable sign and a high participation, is consolidated at the head of those held in our country
Only four editions have needed the López de Castro abogados - Duathlon of Seville to gain a place among the benchmarks of our country. In fact, by number of participants and by the level of those who will fight for the victory, there are not many competitions that are at the level of what will be lived next in the Parque del Alamillo: close to 700 athletes will be placed the dorsal, between they all a sub-champion of the world as is the Huelva-born Emilio Martín; and the fourth of the last World Cup, the Sergio Sergio from Seville.
The latter has been, along with María del Mar Sánchez Estrella (Delegate Councilor for Sports of the City of Seville), José María Merchán (president of the Andalusian Triathlon Federation and Olympic triathlete), María Pujol (triathlete), Pedro Lumbreras (triathlete) and Luis López de Castro (director-manager of López de Castro Abogados), at the presentation of this "López de Castro Abogados" IV Duathlon of Seville that took place this morning at the Laredo building.
The Sports Delegate has expressed her satisfaction that this type of event is being held in the city: “The Seville City Council is proud to collaborate with this type of sporting event, which has become a benchmark at the national level. We already saw it two weeks ago at the marathon, which was a great participation success and with a great economic impact for our city, and we want to continue enjoying sports activities in Seville. More than 50% of the duathlon participants come from outside our city and two of the four best duathletes in the world will participate in the test on Saturday. I want to encourage people to participate, but also for the Sevillians to come to the event and encourage the athletes, ”said Sánchez Estrella.
For his part, José María Merchán (president of the Andalusian Triathlon Federation and organizer of the event) congratulated himself because this duathlon, the prelude to the Seville Triathlon next May, “is breaking molds and this year it will once again be one of the most important in Spain. I am very satisfied because this Duathlon is within the Andalusian circuit, because from the FATRI we are innovating in many aspects and because it is the only event that will have a line-up of participants like this, without being a world or European championship ”. Merchán highlighted that "the union with the Municipal Sports Institute is an example of joining forces so that Seville benefits at the sporting level and to promote tourism, the economy, and the dissemination that we are a city that is committed to sports".
The Sevillian event, with an unbeatable sign and a high participation, is consolidated at the head of those held in our country
Luis López de Castro (manager of López de Castro Abogados, main sponsor of the Duathlon of Seville) stressed that his office "has contributed a grain of sand so that this work goes forward and everything is well organized. We want to contribute to this sport in which there is a spirit of strong sacrifice, with values that society must have clear to move forward. "
Sevillian Sergio Lorenzo, fourth in the last World Championship, took the floor to close the event: “I am very excited and motivated. The duathlon is an attractive modality that, in Seville specifically, is going to offer a great show with the high level of participants that we have in this edition. We need such popular tests so that people can participate. On the part of the professionals, our way of contributing is to achieve sporting results so that we grow ”.
Pedro Lumbreras is a specialist in triathlon, although he stated that “it is a pleasure to participate in the Seville Duathlon. I am motivated and it is a pleasure to be able to compete with two of the best duathletes in the world such as Emilio Martín and Sergio Lorenzo. I would like Sevillians to come on Saturday to enjoy the best duathlon in Spain "
Emilio Martín (second in the world) and Sergio Lorenzo (fourth) will be on the starting line
With these wicker is presented this "Lopez de Castro lawyers" IV Duathlon of Seville that, next Saturday, will offer a great show to all those who go to animate the Parque del Alamillo and that will be the first test of the Europa FM Circuit.