The goal of Javier Gómez Noya: the Tokyo Olympics

The Galician triathlete has confirmed that he intends to participate in the Olympic Games of Tokyo 2020.

According to the Basque newspaper, he is five times the ITU Triathlon World Champion, Javier Gómez Noya, has unveiled one of the questions that most are wanting to know in the world of triathlon, its goal for the year 2019.

"Pat least until June I will focus again on the short distance and I will make the World Series“he told Efe. “In the first place to see how I am, because after a year in the long distance it is not known, and then with the aim of qualifying for the Olympic Games".

After having focused on their ranking and participation in the Hawaii Ironman, Noya has decided to return to compete in sprint and Olympic distance to find the necessary points that allow him to participate in the Olympic Games.

This year the circuit of the Triathlon World Series (WTS) 2019 consist of 8 tests, 4 in sprint distance and other 4 in Olympic distance.

The 2017 season, which was the last in which he participated in the WTS, showed a great performance in Olympic tests with victory in Abu Dhabi and Montreal while sprint distance did not get any victory and his best position was in Gold Coast with a fourth position.

It will be necessary to wait for the return to the competition of Noya, where he will try the medium distance, since he has done other years competing at the highest level in the WTS.

Photo: ITU

There are no previous results.

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