Eneko Llanos prepares in Australia the Ironman of Melbourne

triathlete Eneko Llanos is already in Australia preparing the next Ironman from Melbourne of the March 24 where he will compete in the second round of the 2013 season.
Eneko Llanos has arrived in Melbourne from Abu Dhabi where he opened the calendar competitive this campaign with a second place.
The appointment of the next 24 is one of the priorities of the Basque triathlete because, depending on his classification, he will achieve the necessary points that will bring him closer or ensure his presence in the Ironman of Hawaii in October and that is marked in red again in the Eneko Llanos calendar.
The vitoriano starts the season with few points for his retirement in the Ironman of Hawaii last year and without the mattress of points that he achieved in 2011 when winning the Arizona.
Eneko Llanos has explained his intention to "go out to give the maximum and aspire to everything" in the Melbourne test for the large number of points at stake.
Depending on the final result and classification, Llanos will approach the next competition calendar if he has already achieved the passport for Hawaii or must certify his presence with the dispute of other tests.
Source: gasteizhoy.com
Photo: enekollanos.com