Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Mario Mola: "The race does not end until we cross the finish line"

After the season, the Olympic triathlete Mario Mola He also wanted to share with us the most important moments of the campaign with a special experience, the London Olympics.

Looking at the season as a whole, what would it be for you ...?

The best moment

To have consolidated the Olympic classification after two particularly intense years.

The worst moment

Some small discomfort during the winter that has separated me from workouts, fortunately for a short time.

The most emotional moment

Cross the finish line in London having given the 100%.

The moment in which you have felt more in shape

In the Games, the situation deserved it.

Do you consider that you have fulfilled the objectives that you planned at the beginning of the campaign?

Yes. Although we always want more, I prefer to be satisfied with what I have achieved than to regret what I could or would have liked to do.

What has been the competition that you liked the most: for your organization, for your landscapes, for the stay you had?

Because of the atmosphere that exists, the World Cup event in Madrid is always special with respect to any other event of similar value.

Something that happened to you in competition that never happened to you? If this has not happened ... with what anecdote of this season would you stay?

I especially remember the bad experience and the bad time I spent in the first transition of Hamburg this year. One minute struggling to pull out the neoprene seemed to be an eternity.

This season would change ...

Nothing, I'm staying with what has been done.

Of this season I would repeat ...

The hard but fruitful concentrations, both winter and summer.

One thing about the triathlon that you have learned during this season, or one that you had forgotten and remembered.

A cliché but completely true: that the race does not end until crossing the finish line.

A person related to the world of triathlon you have admired during this season and why.

A Ainhoa ​​Murua, for his sporting career and evidently for the exceptional season he has done.

Has BH material positively influenced your performance? Why? (material from Bike, fitness machines, clothing…)

Of course, in addition to having enjoyed all their bikes at any time of the year (btt and road), I have been able to include indoor sessions on tape ... a luxury!

When I answer this questionnaire next year, I would like to tell you that ...

I still enjoy what I do and I want to face another year to the fullest.

Source: bhtriatlon

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