Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

We interviewed Eduardo Jiménez Orta, IBERMAN race director "la luz"

Under the motto "THE LIMIT IS UP TO YOU"This 2013 circuit has been born IBERMAN WORLD SERIES. Within this, there are two tests that are giving a lot to talk about. Are the Medium and Long Distance "La Luz", which will be held on May 11 and October 5 in the province of Huelva, the MD and between Huelva and Portugal, the distance Ironman.



With only a few months to live and before the first of the tests takes place, they are achieving an unprecedented success, so much so, that for October, the 700 squares is already sold out!. The transparent and clear message that the organization has transmitted has entered the triathlon family, which has responded spectacularly to start creating the great family of the IWS.


In Triathlon News today we interviewed Eduardo Jiménez-Orta, from Seville, 41-year-old Sports Journalist, triathlete (Finisher IM Lanzarote, among others) and Organizer of the IBERMAN “La Luz” Race and IWS Director of Competitions. We wanted to get to know this test up close, a really surprising project that will not leave you indifferent!


"That's how the story began ..."

A few years ago I started in this Triathlon, more than to compete, to do three sports that have always fascinated me. After doing the IM in Lanzarote and Sierra Nevada in 2012, the body said ¡basta !, sending me a signal in the form of protusion in the L5S1, and being in the resonance tube, I said to myself, can I not participate anymore? Why not organize one ?. And so the story began.


I have always considered myself an enterprising person. It motivates me to organize big events and I have found the right people along the way to help me carry it out. In addition, all the local authorities have turned to the event and are giving us many facilities. The Alúa company will be in charge of the entire security issue, something vital in this type of test. For me, the most important thing is that the 700 registered to the goal arc arrive, and they can fulfill their dream of having an IM Tri distance in their record, without mortgaging themselves in the attempt.


Promotion for the Average distance


100.00 EUR
75.00 EUR

Why IBERMAN "La Luz"? Tell us what is special about this circuit What does it offer the triathlete?

I have spent my entire summer in Isla Cristina, and this year, after making years ago several "X Miles", which is the race that joins Villarreal and Ayamonte every November, and in August "Crossing of the Guadiana", Which also unites these two locations, I had even more clear. I usually go for a bike ride in the area and on one of those days that gives you to think, I decided.


We have swimming, which will be spectacular in the river and because of the exit system that we want to use; We have the race, since the route of the “X Miles” will be joined by 12 km of Via Verde and Natural Park, and about 5 of beach. And the bike?


And the bike?

In one of those exits, I arrived at Pomarao which is the new bridge and border crossing between Spain y Portugal, and when everyone turns around and they return along the same road, I decided to throw myself into the adventure and down the Portuguese slope, being surprised by the spectacular nature of the route. That's when I saw it most clearly.


I have all the ingredients to make a spectacular Triathlon of the Long Distance. In addition, the less daring will have the opportunity to make the May 11 a Middle distance, with a practically equal route, since the only thing they will not do will be what is done by bike and running on Portuguese soil.


The participants will wonder how it comes out so cheap, after what they are used to paying ..?

The good does not have to be expensive. After making the budget, prioritizing before all things the interests and needs of the athlete, and I know, for my experiencen a large number of them as the Ironman of Lanzarote, Desafío Doñana, the Titan of Cádiz, Triathlon of Sierra Nevada and many more.. I have taken the best of each of them and I have added them so that in this, the athlete is at home, without having to make an extra outlay of money. They are the protagonists.


From the organization we want to show that many tests are being abused. Eye, putting the first priority in the safety of the athlete, without skimping a penny of euro, because our main objective and desire, is that all participants arrive in perfect conditions at the finish line. For this we have planned a wide safety device that will follow the race at all times, by land, sea and maybe even by air.


As we have already spoken with the Federations, our intention is that this test remains in the calendar for many years to come. To achieve this, the first one has to be perfect and all parties must be satisfied, especially the participants, who will be our best publicity. 


Have you been surprised by the triathletes' response?

As for completing the IM test, no. Because if I had had that opportunity, I would not have thought about it. If I have been surprised by the unconditional support we are receiving from all of them. A basic and fundamental support to face a test of this magnitude with guarantees. The only regret is not being able to welcome everyone ...


In addition to the 700 already formally enrolled, we have a list of reservations with almost another hundred. But one of my dreams was to make a different exit. Embarking them all in the port of Ayamonte, taking them in barges to the center of the river, and from there, they jump to descend the Guadiana swimming among a street of canoes, which will simulate the pool strips. The problem is that there are only four barges and we only have 700 seats.


What are your future prospects? Do you plan to grow nationally and / or internationally in the coming years?

Let's go step by step. As I have said on numerous occasions, for me, this started as a personal challenge. Fortunately, I have been able to transmit clearly and it has reached people. We have created the circuit IBERMAN WORLD SERIES, which will include our two tests in Huelva, plus the two in Sierra Nevada and the two spectacular ones that will be done in the World Ball in Madrid. In addition, we will make a MD of Cross in Iznajar (Sierra de Córdoba), so that everyone who likes triathlon, have the opportunity to be part of the great family that is forming within the IBERMAN.


We have already received numerous requests to join the circuit, but for the moment with what there is, we believe it is a good test bed. When this season is over it will be time to analyze and see what we want to do in the future. The intention is to make the IBERMAN the "Tri" most popular in Spain, either in this of Huelva, or in other places where insurance, open the doors to IBERMAN, because our message is very transparent and what we like is "sell sport of quality "for all budgets, and that, people like it. Now we only have to work piece by piece so that all those who have trusted us, fulfill their dream.


If you want to know more about this test visit: www.tri-iberman.es and if you are interested in the circuit, enter www.iberman.org

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