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Triathlon News

We interview Helena Herreno Subchampion of Spain MD and LD.

Helena Herrero starts the season at the Spanish Long Distance Duathlon Championship in Orihuela.


During the 2013 he highlights his sub-championships in the Spain MD Championship , Spain LD Championship, his 2º placed in Ecotrimad and his victory in ICAN Valladolid. From Triathlon News we wanted to make an interview to tell us your goals for the 2014.



Tell us how was the 2012 / 13 season and how and why was the decision to move to the Medium and Long Distance

Well, the 2012 season had a difficult start since very early on I injured a foot on which in the end I had to operate and therefore the first part of the season in which I was going to prepare duathlon as usual because I had it than abort. The important thing about all that was that the operation, thanks to Dr. Capapé, went very well and in four weeks after the intervention I was able to run.


Then there was the European Cross Triathlon Championship as the second objective of the season, but as the federation was going through some difficult times and we were unable to qualify for grants for that trip, we decided not to go as we could not afford to participate. Later, as we were unable to compete in the duathlon or the cross triathlon, we decided to prepare for the Spanish Middle and Long Distance Triathlon Championships, obtaining second place in both and being second in distance. IronmanThe truth is that I ended up very happy with my performance. 


Is it difficult to adapt to the change in the way of training when taking the step from Sprint and Olympic to Long Distance?

Well I'm going to be honest, I really have not taken a step to the Long Distance, already in the 2003 I ran the first test of this type in the Ibiza World Championship for age groups, then in the 2008 I ran the world long duathlon in Belgium already with the Spanish team and in the  2009 I ran the European long distance triathlon in Prague, also in 2007 and 2009 I was runner-up in Spain of Larga distance too, so as you can see I've always liked to run long, although I have to say that these distances were 4000-120-30, an Ironman was the first this past year. 

Also tell you that I have never specifically dedicated myself to long, I have always been combining all sprint, Olympic, duathlon, long and cros triathlon triathlon, to a greater or lesser extent and depending on the season, only this 2013/14 season is especially dedicated to it .

How have the changes been in your training routine? And the food?

This year we want to give special emphasis to bike training, although we are aware that we can improve in the three disciplines, we believe that in the bike the margin for improvement is very high, and I still have to adapt to the bike time trial because I haven't got the position completely correct.


 The food since last year that your collaborator in nutrition takes me Sandra Sardina the improvement in the feeding and the protocols of competition in long distance have been very remarkable, having a nutrition totally adapted to the discipline of long distance and to the exigencies that its training entails.


What are your strengths and weaknesses in the Long Distance? Do you think it is necessary to "shoot" before several competitions to achieve the objectives set?

In general I think that in long distance I am quite regular, in swimming and on the bike the improvement as I have said before has a lot of margin, in the running race is where I feel more comfortable and I think I can improve even more the rhythm in the long tests. Of course we have several secondary middle distance events, half marathons, etc. planned. that will help us to test elements that we will later use in competition

Tell us a little about the objectives that you have marked for this 2014 and if you are excited about competing in any special test.

Well, in 2014 it was difficult for us at the beginning to set our goals, but I think we have it clear now and I can say that in the calendar We have planned two IRONMANs that I will run in July and September respectively if all goes well and approximately five middle distance triathlons that will be preparatory for these long triathlons, among which is the Middle distance Spain Championship


After the second Ironman and the desire that remains (which will not be many, hahaha) maybe we can include the Spanish Championship of Larga distance in October but that is very far and there is much ahead. We'll see how the season unfolds.

This weekend I am initially registered in the Spanish Long Distance Duathlon Championship Although I have tendonitis in the knee and my participation is in suspense, I hope it improves these days.


To finish, I just want to thank all the people and sponsors who are going to help me this season and that without them it would be practically impossible to try to achieve any results. Starting with my family and coach, continuing with the colleagues who help me in training, physios, doctors, psychologist, manager, and the sponsors New Balence, Spiuk, Hoko, IMD Segovia, keepgoing, TOM TOM and my new team TRIATLON CLAVERIA MOSTOLES They all make up a great team that help me get as far as possible.


 Further information: http://helenaherrero.blogspot.com        

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