Volcano Triathlon

The journey from Multiple Sclerosis to IRONMAN

On the occasion of the International Day of Multiple Sclerosis we echo the Book published by Luis Fernando Serrano, triathlete, father, worker but above all an example of OVERCOMING.



The first month of this book was published in November, which is an exemplary model of MOTIVATION, but not only for those who suffer from a disease such as Multiple sclerosis, if not for all those who consider doing any challenge no matter how small or big.

Have you ever felt the need to punch the table and take control of your life again? This is how his friend and companion details us Diego Velazquez the path, also Finisher Ironman and affected by Multiple Sclerosis, "The time comes when you need to create that turning point in those complex situations in which fear and respect paralyze you, where everyone recommends not leaving a false path of security that not only leads us to indifference, standardization and a cell in life that we did not want, because it is not our place, START THE JOURNEY, It is the way"

Many others you will ask What is the use of finishing an IRONMAN? Does it help to believe in you? In a special way Diego details us "wanting and believing in something, together with the motivation, determination and effort to look for them, they are the NECESSARY INGREDIENT, to fill with experiences this short space of time that we call LIFE and that, at the end of it , we will ask ourselves how many properties, money or material wealth we have acquired, if not, what experiences we have had, that is, everything that can not be bought or sold, HAS ... OR IT DOES NOT HAVE"

These statements are only a small part of the prologue to the "TRIP" to IRONMAN that one day started LuisFer Serrano and that are detailed in the book. A trip in the company of his guide and friend, Diego Velázquez, his coach and also friend, Angel Moncada, with the support of his family in which he recounts the day-to-day life of this exciting reading.

"IF I STOP ME, THE TRIP OF THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS TO IRONMAN" it is a true life lesson that helps us understand and advance: a true example of OVERCOMING.


From Triathlon News we want to invite all triathletes to devote a couple of hours to read this exciting story, where in addition to providing a large dose of humility and motivation, you will be helping with your contribution as a triathlete to support a charitable cause since all funds they will be destined to the investigation of Multiple Sclerosis.


"A lesson of life, of positivism with great doses of motivation" Of course, a unique gift for any moment and why not? For this Christmas

You can buy the book at this address: http://www.aelem.org/index.php/component/content/article/14-inicio/135-encuentro-en-valladolid-13-09-2014?Itemid=354 Or here http://www.edit.com.es/#%21si-paro-me-oxido/ckcj

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