Gonzalo Orozco and Ana Ruz inaugurate the triathlon of the Cross Triathlon in Seville
Palmares of I + K Bikes Cross Triathlon of Seville has its first winner: in its inaugural edition, that honor falls on the Cádiz Gonzalo Orozco. The Bicikultura triathlete was seconded on the podium by Sergio García Espejo y Antonio Oliver Calero, second and third respectively.
Almost 400 triathletes were thrown to the waters of the Guadalquivir from the CEAR of Rowing and Canoeing to face 500m of swimming, then get on their respective Bike to the motocross circuit of the famous “Isla de Tercia” and face 18km. Finally, they will return to the CEAR of Rowing and Canoeing to put on their slippers to run and finish this I + K BIKES TRIATHLÓN CROS DE SEVILLA for the wonderful surroundings and shaded American Garden, in a practically flat circuit of 4,5km.
Orozco has already left the water with an advantage over his pursuers. In the section of mountain bike it lost bellows, although finally it recovered it in the last part, the race on foot. He arrived victorious to the goal raising his arms with a time of 59 minutes 36 seconds. 17 seconds arrived Rafael Romera (curiously not federated) and 2: 22 arrived Garcia.
FOR Orozco "Being the winner of this first edition is a great joy for me and for those who support me. The day has been hard, hit the heat a lot. The race has been very well organized and entertaining, a pleasure to compete in Seville. "
In the female category, the victory was for the triathlete of the Chameleon Ana Ruz, with a time of 1 hour 10 minutes 54 seconds, ahead of Natalia Fischer and María Sánchez. "I feel an incredible emotion. I am very happy for everything I am fighting in this my first year practicing triathlon, "commented the winner.
Men's Classification
1st Gonzalo Orozco 59:36
2nd Rafael Romera 59:53
3rd Antonio Oliver 1:02:07
Women's Classification
1st Ana Ruz 1:10:54
2nd Natalia Fischer 1:13:47
3rd Maria Sánchez 1:16:43