Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Today the Lisbon Triathlon takes place

Today Saturday 4 de Mayo will be held in the capital Lusa the already classic Lisbon Triathlon, where the triathletes will have to swim 1900 meters, followed by 90 km of bike and ending the race with 21 km of running.



The triathlon of Lisbon, as a novelty this year has incorporated the triathlon "Battle of the sexes"Which runs about half that of the" big "triathlon 950m swimming - 45km bike - 10.5km running.


In a circuit practically flat and fast, it is an ideal triathlon to debut at that distance or get better marks, where the triathletes pass several times through the same transition zone, which makes the audience enjoy them continuously


More information https://www.triatlonnoticias.com/component/banners/click/67

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