Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

La Coruña will also have MD Triathlon

Hercules XTRM, was born with the idea of ​​consolidating itself in the calendar as one of the most important middle distance events in the country. It is the First Half Distance Triathlon (1,9 km swimming, 90 km cycling and 21,1 km running) that is celebrated in the city of La Coruña and the first in Galicia that runs in a completely urban circuit. The chosen date has been the 24 of May of 2014.



This triathlon runs in an incomparable setting, swimming in front of the Castillo de San Antón and the docks, pedaling along the promenade, passing through Los Cantones, Puerta Real, Linares Rivas and going up to the Milenium, and running through the interior of the Old City with an ascent to the Tower of Hercules, not without forgetting a logistics center located in the Plaza de María Pita.


Further information: http://herculesxtrm.com/

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