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Triathlon News

María Pujol with an eye on Half Triathlon Sevilla

The Sevillana triathlete María Pujol, will participate this year in the Triathlon of Seville and later in the Half Triathlon of Seville.



From Triathlon News we have done the following interview.

· After this year that you have been injured, how do you take back the 2014?

With a lot of desire, ambition and enthusiasm to be able to do what I like and finally train normally.

· Why have you chosen II Duatlón de Sevilla López de Castro for your return?

I was very excited to return to competition in my city, it was where a year ago, I relapsed from my Achilles tendonitis injury.

I am very happy, after a year without competing and all the ordeal that I have spent winning at home is what every athlete would dream of.


· You will participate in the Olympic Triathlon of Seville and then in the I Half Triathlon of Seville, do you see yourself with victory options in the two distances?

With much desire to return to do triathlon, at Seville Triathlon, On May 18, I will arrive a little fair since it will be very recent from my participation in the Titan Desert, but at home you always compete with a plus of motivation and I will try to give 100%.


On May 31, the  Half of Seville, a new test in the calendar which is eagerly awaited by all triathletes. For me it will be my second MD, a first contact with the distance and we will see how I adapt and how my muscles assimilate it. Today I still find it difficult to run consistently and even more so when I do long runs.


Maria Pujol


· In the 2012 you won the challenge of Posadas imposing yourself in the sprint and Half Distance tests the two days in a row, what challenge do you have for this season?


That weekend, it was very special and I'm very happy about it. My biggest challenge, this season, is to enjoy sports again and be able to train without pain. For the moment when it is not a nuisance is another, being patient I will get it.

Another challenge that excites me is to swim across the strait with a group of women, within a solidarity project of the Vicente Ferrer Foundation and Rumbo Solidario.

· Are you going to make the final leap to the Middle Distance ?.

Yes that is my idea, although it depends on how I feel in that distance, although to this day I have not caught the goat or run long distances on foot. But I am very motivated to establish myself in a new distance, do different tests and seek new limits.

· And do you plan to do a long distance triathlon?

 It would mean a different training and for the moment I have not considered it.

· To finish, you have some goals set for this season.

I will be in the Titan Desert in Duo-Mixed category with my partner Pep Sanchez fighting to be in the top positions.


And mainly to return to enjoy with the triathlon and make my body to the MD, without anything marked, trying me and in 2015 if I adapt well and we will set serious goals.


I would not like to say goodbye without encouraging all those athletes who are going through an injury or a losing streak. Always, you can always, you just have to put yourself in the hands of the best specialists, be patient and work hard. There is light at the end of the tunnel!


I want to thank the Ismec Clinic and Equilibrium Center for the professionalism with which they treat me every day. To my trainer JM Merchan for believing so much in me and being ALWAYS ON MY SIDE. My family, without them, would not be the warrior Maria. To the center Q Ten for the good work they do with me to leave the inconveniences aside.


To my club DOC 2001 for making it possible for me to do triathlon and to my sponsors Salud en Casa Sport, Compex, Zambru's Bikes, Spiuk, Emotion Running, Medilast Sport, Ccilu, La Caseta and the Vicente Ferrer Foundation for naming me their ambassador.

More information about Maria Pujol http://mariapujol.com

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