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A cyclist killed by a driver who tests positive for drugs dies

We echo this news published by the Cadena Ser, where nn young police officer, stationed in the police station of Fuengirola, died this Sunday after being hit by a tourist whose driver tested positive in drug control.



New tragedy on the roads of Malaga. A young national policeman, stationed in the Fuengirola police station, has died this Sunday after being hit by a tourism whose driver tested positive for drug control. According to have confirmed to the SER Chain sources close to the investigation, the girl tested positive for amphetamines so that was stopped and it remains in police dependencies until this Monday to judicial disposition.


The accident occurred at seven thirty in the morning on Avenida José Ortega y Gasset. Specifically in the 0,800 kilometer of the A-7054, at the height of the El Tarajal gas station. The members of the 061 Sanitary Emergency Service and members of the Local Police and the Civil Guard moved to the place.


The first test carried out by the agents detected the presence of amphetamines in the tourism driver. The girl, from 25 years, was accompanied by two more people in the vehicle and, according to his story, he returned fromparty star throughout the night. The driver was arrested and transferred to police stations as he had no injuries caused by the accident. The deceased was an agent of the national police Cycling fan He was married and father of a baby of just six months. He used to go out every weekend to practice his hobby. The investigators try to clarify the details of the accident. The possibility of the driver losing control of the vehicle and running over the victim is considered when I was driving on the road.


The fatal accident It has been a blow among his comrades in the police station Fuengirola national police that did not give credit to what happened. The detainee can be accused, as the investigations progress, of a crime of homicide for imprudence or for a crime against Road Safety after confirming the positive in drug consumption.


Original: http://www.cadenaser.com/espana/articulo/muere-ciclista-atropellado-conductora-da-positivo-drogas/csrcsrpor/20140202csrcsrnac_18/Tes


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