Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Do not miss out on the Lisbon Triathlon

The capital Lusa will host the 9th edition of the Lisbon Triathlon the next 3 of May. Today they remain less than 300 seats to close registrations, so if you want to participate in this triathlon You must hurry.



With more than Spanish 250 this test has become the start of the season for many, since its location and practically flat profile makes it ideal to debut or prepare your goal of the year.


This year besides the medium distance triathlon and Olympic distance (Battle of the Sexes), will have a  children's test.



The next 28 of February will be the second upload of registrations



In addition recently, the official technical shirts Of the test:


Lisbon Triathlon


More information: http://www.lisboatriathlon.com

Inscricpiones: http://www.lisboatriathlon.com/index.php/es/athletes-es/registration-es

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