Pello Osoro and Enara Oronoz Spanish Winter Champions 2024

In a different test than usual due to the absence of snow, the Spain 2024 Winter Triathlon Championship, with a duathlon format, was held this morning in Ansó, Huesca, where last year's champions renewed their national title.
This year's edition, marked by the lack of optimal snow conditions, forced the organizers to adopt a duathlon format.
It all started with a 7,5 kilometer running race through the streets of Ansó, followed by a demanding 20 kilometer cycling segment in the Linza Nordic Space.
The test ended with another 7,5 kilometer foot race inside the Gamueta forest.
The current champions, Pello Osoro y Enara Oronoz, did not disappoint and won the title once again, demonstrating their quality in this type of competitions.
In the men's category the victory went to Pello Osoro followed in second position by Álvaro López and by Miguel José López third.
As for the female category, Enara Oronoz took the victory followed closely by Aiara Garaialde and by Jara Andres third classified.
FOR Osoro, this victory represents his fifth victory in this championship as well as oronoz who also celebrated his fifth title, consolidating both of them as one of the best athletes in this modality.