Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Do you want to know the schedule of the Triatlon Campus of Personal Running of Lanzarote?

The provisional schedules of the Personal Running Campus of Lanzarote, for which all the places sold are already practically.



The Campus will take place in Resort Sands Beach Active and with the help of Personal Running coaches as well as high-level collaborators.


All Campus information can be found www.personalrunning.com/trainingcamp


And to sign up you can send an email to: [email protected] Or by calling: 665 964 867


 And if you want to know more in detail what will be done here you can find the provisional schedule:


Personal Running Campus at Sand Beach


Wednesday 12:


pm: brief presentation, introduction of the campus and delivery of material.


Departure by group bike 1h45 '- 2h


Thursday 13:


am: chrono-climbing ascent to Tabayesco + swimming in the pool with filming of the technique.

pm: short-foot running session + specific strengthening exercises.


post-dinner: talk / discussion Brief summary of the day and analysis and assessment of the recorded technique session. (*)


Viernes 14:


am: 1h30 'short group bike ride' + foot race session with shooting technique.

pmSwimming in a swimming pool focused on swimming in open water + specific strengthening exercises.


post-dinner: talk / discussion Brief summary of the day and analysis and assessment of the recorded technique session. (*)


Saturday 15:


am: Open water swimming in Puerto del Carmen + bike ride to Costa Teguise along part of the circuit Ironman Lanzarote


pm: Inter-vulcano trail from Sands Beach. Group outing of foot race climbing some of the volcanoes near Sands Beach (1h30-1h45 ')


Domingo 16:


am: Mini-Triatlon Sands Beach (format to be specified)

pm: group bike ride.


post-dinner: talk / discussion Brief summary, comments, ratings, etc ...


Biomechanical studies on the bike (**)

This is the provisional distribution of the activities that will take place in the Personal Running Campus 2014. First of all, we wanted to design a complete and as dynamic program as possible.


The character of it, as you have seen, is eminently practical. We have considered doing it this way since in this way we will get more out of the island and rest in those 5 days, and go on discussing and explaining the most important aspects during the same session and take about an hour after dinner to sit down having a beer or a soda and comment on more specific things.


We believe therefore that having the possibility of making the most of what we have there, we should not waste a minute sitting in a chair.


Although it may seem like a program too "loaded" with training sessions, our experience assures us that by marking an adequate time of rest between them and correctly quantifying the intensity of them there will be no risk that you can complete them, also having moments for enjoyment of the Resort in its many other alternatives.


(*) The analysis of the footage will take place in the group talks, without stopping excessively on each triathlete, so that the indications can serve others at the same time and that it is not too heavy. However, each athlete will receive an individualized and detailed report at the end of the campus, with comments and specific indications from the coaches.


(**) The biomechanical studies on the bicycle will be carried out individually. We will establish an order of appointments so that you can go one by one throughout the entire campus, always at times that do not overlap with any scheduled activity.

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