What can and cannot be done in Madrid regarding sport in the new normal?

Since yesterday, all of Spain is in the "new normal", where there are no longer any mobility restrictions

The Official Bulletin of the Community of Madrid (BOCM) has published this Saturday the order of the Ministry of Health that establishes the measures for this new phase.

It is a 42 page document, specifies the measures that each sector will have in the two phases that have been established.

  • 1st Phase: June 21 to July 5
  • 2st Phase: 6 to 21 July

Hygienic measures are maintained

The safety distance of 1,5 meters, frequent hand washing and the mandatory use of a mask are maintained for the duration of the national health alert.

Sports facilities and centers

Public or private sports facilities and centers may offer sports services aimed at the development of sports activities of their type and capacity.

In sports facilities and centers, also outdoors, groups of 25 people until 75% of the capacity maximum allowed.

After July 6 there will be no capacity limit as long as the safety distance is respected.

Non-federated sport

Until July 5, non-federated physical and sports activity and outdoors can be carried out individually or collectively up to a maximum of 25 people at a time.


In gyms, they are alloweds groups of up to 20 people, without physical contact and as long as 60% of the capacity is not exceeded.

From July 6, the capacity allowed is 75% of capacity and groups of 25 people.

Access to facilities must be made mandatory with mask and no material will be shared. In the changing rooms, a physical distance between users of at least 1,5 meters. 


Regional trainings, competitions or events at sports facilities may be held with the public: until July 5, viewers will not exceed the 75% of the allowed capacity and they will remain seated and distanced, at least, there will be 1,5 meters between them.

Starting July 6, there will be no limit on the capacity, but there will be a limit mattendance maximum of 300 people simultaneously for closed spaces and 1.000 to fresh air. 

The Community of Madrid recalls that the attendance of the public to matches of the professional soccer and basketball leagues depends on the Superior Sports Council.


In rural areas of India, families in charge of a blind minor frequently isolate and deprive him/her of the care and attention they provide to their other children; such situation becomes even more severe among lower-caste families, orphans and if the blind child is a girl. pools for public and recreational use a maximum capacity of 50%. 

On July 1 the pools managed by the Community of Madrid (M-86 Sports Center, Puerta de Hierro Sports Park, Canal de Isabel II and San Vicente de Paúl sports facilities) will open.

I swim in rivers, lakes, etc.

Bathing in pools, rivers and lakes in the region still prohibited. Professional and federated athletes are allowed to swim in sports.

Activities in the nature

Activities for public use may be carried out in all protected natural areas, but they can be adopted restrictive measures in access to them cWhen it is considered that there may be a risk of agglomerations (through parking capacity controls, in rest areas, in accesses, etc.).

In addition, the recreational areas of the mountains (picnic areas, fountains, etc.) will be maintained closed.

The Community recommends that visitors circulate through these places keeping the safety distances and avoiding crowds.

They may be carried out  active and nature tourism activities, organized by companies. The activity may be equipped with a tourist guide, for groups of up to a maximum of twenty-five people.

In all these activities the use of a mask is mandatory.


There are no previous results.

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