Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Toro Loco Valencia Triathlon will have an elite start in sprint and Olympic

Toro Loco Valencia Triathlon faces the final straight towards the celebration of the fifth edition to be held in the city of Valencia next 6 and 7 days of September.



This year one of the main novelties will be the establishment of a elite exit both in the distance sprint as in the Olympic. This exit will be the first round in each of the distances and all those who want to compete for the absolute victory without qualifying for the prizes will participate.


The organization has taken this decision to respond to a Desire expressed by many triathletes. With the desire to continue improving in the staging and in the services of the event towards the athletes, Valencia Triathlon opens this exit that will have a maximum of 150 triathletes in each of the distances.


In the next few days, all those registered in the Valencian test will receive an e-mail with the details of this option, so that they can communicate if they want to adhere to it. In addition, all interested parties can directly apply for the place with this new condition to [email protected]


More information: www.valenciatriatlon.es         

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