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Olympics Paris 2024Triathlon News

The test event of Paris 2024 at risk due to the poor quality of the Seine water

El test event of Paris 2024 is in serious danger due to the pollution of the Seine. The quality of its waters has worsened considerably after the heavy rains in Paris.

Water quality has been a growing concern, and athletes and organizers are on the alert. The situation has become critical, and measures are being taken to guarantee the safety of the participants.

The Australian Jake Birtwhistle He denounced his discomfort on social networks after competing in the Sunderland World Series on July 29.

It was one of the 57 triathletes who suffered general malaise and diarrhea After the race. Tim Don, the legendary British triathlete, also expressed his dismay: “It is unacceptable. Dismayed by all affected triathletess ".

Reactions and measures taken

The International Swimming Federation has suspended the 10km Open Water Swimming World Cup event in Paris due to poor water quality.

The Organizing Committee for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games has promised to improve the water quality of the Seine, and the International Triathlon Federation (World Triathlon) has called for calm for the test.

Contingency plan

Given the recent problems, the organizers have declared that the water will be in condition on August 17.

In any case, work is being done to convert the test into a duathlon format in the event that it is not possible to swim in the seine

Water quality in the Seine

Water quality in the Seine has regularly reached levels required for healthy public swimming, but abnormally heavy rains have pushed water quality to unacceptable levels.

Water quality is being carefully monitored, and a contingency plan is in place to shift the competition to a duathlon format if necessary.

Investments and projects

Significant efforts are being made to improve the quality of the water in the Seine, with an investment of some 1.400 billion euros.

Projects such as the construction of the Austerlitz rainwater storage cistern and the connection of boats and floating establishments to the drainage network are underway.


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