Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Last day to register with reduced price to the Seville Triathlon

The Seville Triathlon has Super Sprint, Sprint, Olympic and Relay distances



Today Sunday 20 day is the last day to register with reduced price to the Seville Triathlon, where you can choose your distance from Super Sprint, going through Sprint and Olympic in addition to having an Equality Triathlon and another in Relay format.


In addition, this test has cash prizes for all modalities, both for individuals and teams, the latter being for the Olympic modality.


SEVILLE TRIATHLON is an event that will celebrate its 18th edition this year, a consolidated test of the calendar national, which every year attracts hundreds of participants from all over the country who come to the city to enjoy a weekend of tourism, sport and fun.


Do not miss the opportunity to compete in this test and remember that today 20 is the last day to do it with reduced price.



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