Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

This weekend the Ultraman UK is celebrated.

In the Ultraman athletes have to travel 515 km spread over three days


The next August 31 will be held on Ultraman UK. In this test the athletes will have to travel 515 km spread over three days, having to complete 10km of swimming, 421km of bike and 84km of running race.



This is the career agenda:

Saturday 31 / 08:    Ultraman day 1 - 10k swim + 145k bike.

Sunday 01 / 09: Ultraman day 2 - 277k bike.

Monday 02 / 09:       Ultraman day 3 - 84,4k race.


This year there will be 9 participants among which are the Spanish  Valentí San Juan, Isra Garcia, Rubén Pérez y  Roberto Moreira. From Triathlon News we wish you luck in this challenge.


This test is qualifying for the Ultraman World Championship to be held in Hawaii on November 29. The Ultraman was first held in Kona, Hawaii in 1983.


Learn more http://www.racingquests.com/ultramanuk/

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