Volcano Triathlon
Triathlon News

Alistair Brownlee triple European Triathlon Champion. Vicente Hernández gets bronze

Vicente Hernández obtains the bronze and Fernando Alarza enters in fourth position.



On Saturday afternoon, the European Triathlon Championship was held in the Austrian town of Kitzbühel.


The Olympic champion Alistar Brownlee he has achieved his fifth victory in Kitzbühel  and his third European championship with a final time of 1:54:08, followed by the Russian Dimitry Polanskiy and from Spanish Vicente Hernández in third position 31 seconds behind the British. In fourth position I enter Fernando Alarza with a time of 1: 54: 54.


Today time has accompanied the triathletes, not like yesterday in the female test where they had to face the rain and the cold.


La swimming it was dominated by the Russians Polanskiy who came out in the lead followed by a group of 25 where the favorites were Brownlee, Pereira, Fabian, Alarza and Hernández.


Halfway through the cycling circuit, two large groups joined in a single 54 unit, reaching the T2 all together, promising an exciting race sector on foot.


Once the British race Alistair Brownlee He showed everyone his great form by leaving in the lead, completing the 10 km in 00:31:05, followed by the Russians Polyanskiy and Bryukhankov, the Spanish Fernando Alarza and Vicente Hernández, the Portuguese Joao Pereira and the British David Mcnamee.


Alarza, Hernández y Polanskiy they went after Alistair, imposing a strong race pace and leaving behind their rivals until in the final meters the Russian won, coming in second place followed by the 23 sub champion Vicente Hernández and Fernando Alarza in fourth position.


Francesc Godoy entered 24 position and Ricardo Hernández did not finish the test


1. Alistair Brownlee GBR GB 01:54:08
2. Dmitry Polyanskiy RUS RU 01:54:35
3. Vicente Hernandez ESP ES 01:54:39
4. Fernando Alarza ESP ES 01:54:54
5. Alexander Bryukhankov RUS RU 01:55:07
6. David Mcnamee GBR GB 01:55:17
7. Alessandro Fabian ITA IT 01:55:25
8. Ivan Tutukin RUS RU 01:55:36
9. Justus Nieschlag GER DE 01:55:45
10 Matthew Sharp GBR GB 01:55:48





Photo: ETU


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